Gears For Careers

Manage your attention

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It’s important to manage our time and our energy; but these days where procrastination is common, managing our attention is critical to prioritise. Here’s how to give your attention when and where it matters.

Focus on attention within time:

You can give time to something, but without proper attention, it could end up a real waste. Attention should ensure making conscious decisions and concentrating on what is occupying your time to be productive. It’s not uncommon to give time to a task and then ‘’daydream’’ that time away, ending up not getting important things done. Your productivity comes from where your attention is, so keep the focus.

Manage your attention cycle

: You need to know your attention cycle and schedule your work around the peaks and troughs. For example, if you are not a ‘’morning person’’, trying to get important things done then will not achieve what you want as your attention level will be lesser than required. Similarly, deciding to do menial tasks when your attention is highest will be poor use of your attention. Your attention cycle may differ from day to day, yet another reason why you must manage it.

Understand your priorities:

Match you priorities to your attention management to give them the right level of effort. You need to understand why your priorities matter because ‘’understanding’’ is what will help you manage your attention to accomplish them. See things in the broader purpose and have an overarching plan that ensures you’re driving your attention to the right things.

Optimise your attention levels:

We have a fixed amount of time each day but making the most of our attention spans is what determines how much more effective your days will be. Sometimes you cannot tell what your attention levels will be on any given day but as part of your work planning, pre-commit to discipline yourself to do what it takes to do your key tasks. Don’t use a low attention span on any given day as an excuse to procrastinate.

Now take action:

Track your attention levels over the week and identify your attention cycle

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